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Pa gran chose à dire sinon k'il fo continuer dan cette voie:dommage k'il n'y ait plus le forum T _ T
  • Posté le 29/06/2006 à 15:39 par Kumiyo


je veus vous envoyer quelque srie complete hentai si vous le voulez bien et je trouve votre site geniel ;)
  • Posté le 16/06/2006 à 12:19 par nakamura


Nice site!


まあ、エロゲームの新作発売数は毎月100近いんじゃないかな? そんな、中で何本か選ぶの確かに大変だ。 しかも最近は、Fateみたいに絵でなく、お話をセールスポイントにしてる ソフトも多い。 大変だっただろう。 御苦労様でした。
  • Posté le 31/05/2006 à 15:46 par Redwaire


Great site, thanks man.
  • Posté le 31/05/2006 à 06:41 par Mollos
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24/08/2024 [18:13]

De RaskleykaObyavleniy77sab

Подскажите где заказать услугу расклейки объявлений в Москве?

04/08/2024 [11:40]

De Guts

Hello :D

20/07/2024 [12:02]

De FamesPrisk

Hello. And Bye.

20/07/2024 [08:47]

De FamesPrisk

Hello. And Bye.

20/07/2024 [02:43]

De FamesPrisk

Hello. And Bye.

19/07/2024 [17:41]

De FamesPrisk

Hello. And Bye.

02/11/2023 [21:22]

De Guts

Maybe one day I'll rewrite GutsFun.com with newer technologies like React or Angular.

02/11/2023 [21:21]

De Guts

Fix birthdate format error and some minor bug in mail sending. I took the opportunity to migrate the code to .NET 4.8 and MVC 5. Not really new technology but latest for this site format.

22/09/2022 [10:11]

De Guts

That it. I will fix this.

22/09/2022 [10:10]

De Guts

If you encounter a problem when creating an account, check the birthday, there is a localization problem with the date picker. So just put a day between 1 and 12.

12/11/2021 [13:42]

De Guts

If you enconter a problem, tell me.

12/11/2021 [13:41]

De Guts

I will fix it soon

12/11/2021 [13:40]

De Guts

There is a bug on the create account page with the birth date. Just enter a date in english format : mm/dd/yyyy

12/11/2021 [13:38]

De Guts

Did some update: reset password work again. But lost some tag message on the tagboard, sorry :(